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Principal’s Message 

I want to welcome all of you who are new to our Parkman community and greet all of you who are coming back for a new school year! I am very lucky to have the opportunity to work and learn with an amazing group of professionals. As you get to know the Parkman staff, you will notice that our 3 - 5 learning environment is a very special place to be. Our dedicated teachers provide exciting, hands-on instruction that engages students in their learning in reading, writing, math, and science. Students are working in small groups with the teacher as they grapple with academic content and also collaboratively with one another. We create a joyful school not just through a student’s academic experiences, but through Physical Education, Music, Art, STEAM and Technology. These special content areas help to develop the skills and talents that will be important for a healthy and satisfying life.  We also have talented support staff who help us meet the social and emotional needs of our students. As we plan for a new year of learning and fun, we truly understand that you are your children’s first teachers and you know them in a way that no other person can. We strive to build a close and positive relationship with you that will help us shape your children’s experiences and support them as they grow with us at Parkman School. 

Please feel free to email me, [email protected], call (860-253-6574), or stop by the school and visit. Thank you for taking time to visit our website.

Warmest Regards,
Irene Roman, Principal

Parkman Store

We are excited to offer custom clothing stores for Enfield Public Schools and all of the schools within the District. Each store is open now!!!!

A variety of designs are offered. Click on the garment/item you are looking to purchase and one design will be shown as an example. Be sure to click on OTHER DESIGNS AVAILABLE to see what other options are available for that garment/item.


Once you click the new design, the garment/item will adjust to show this new design. Be sure to check as some garments/items may have multiple design locations. For example, you may be able to put a design on the front and/or back of a sweatshirt. Note: multiple location print will increase the cost.


GRAND OPENING SALE - Be sure to take advantage of the 25% off your purchase until December 4, 2022!!!!!!!!! Discount Code - SPIRIT

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
September 01, no eventsSeptember 02, no eventsSeptember 03, no eventsSeptember 04, no eventsSeptember 05, no eventsSeptember 06, no eventsSeptember 07, no events
Today, September 08, no eventsSeptember 09, no events10September 11, no eventsSeptember 12, no eventsSeptember 13, no eventsSeptember 14, no events
September 15, no eventsSeptember 16, no eventsSeptember 17, no eventsSeptember 18, no eventsSeptember 19, no eventsSeptember 20, no eventsSeptember 21, no events
September 22, no eventsSeptember 23, no events24September 25, no eventsSeptember 26, no eventsSeptember 27, no eventsSeptember 28, no events
September 29, no eventsSeptember 30, no eventsOctober 01, no eventsOctober 02, no eventsOctober 03, no eventsOctober 04, no eventsOctober 05, no events

Patiently waiting for Twitter to resolve their issues with displaying our Tweets below. In the meantime: => You May View Them Here!


The Enfield Public School district is in the process of constantly updating our website.  Please contact the school if you can not find the information you are seeking. 

Connect with your school's Parent Teacher Organization:

